

  1. KAPLAN A.M. (2023) Business Schools Post-Covid-19: A Blueprint for Survival, Taylor & Francis, UK.
  2. KAPLAN A.M. (2022) Artificial Intelligence, Business, and Civilization: Our Fate Made in Machines, Routledge, UK.
  3. KAPLAN A.M. (2022) Digital Transformation and Disruption of Higher Education, Cambridge University Press.
  4. KAPLAN A.M. (2021) Higher Education at the Crossroads of Disruption: The University of the 21st Century, Great Debates in Higher Education, Emerald Publishing.
  5. TUTEN T., SOLOMON M., KAPLAN A.M. (2019) Marketing des Médias Sociaux, Pearson, Paris.
  6. KAPLAN A.M. (2015) European business and management (Vol. I) – Cultural specificities and cross-cultural commonalities, Sage Publications Ltd., London.
  7. KAPLAN A.M. (2015) European business and management (Vol. II) – Business ethics and corporate social responsibility, Sage Publications Ltd., London.
  8. KAPLAN A.M. (2015) European business and management (Vol. III) – Contextual diversity and interdisciplinary aspects, Sage Publications Ltd., London.
  9. KAPLAN A.M. (2015) European business and management (Vol. IV) – Business education and scholarly research, Sage Publications Ltd., London.
  10. KAPLAN A.M. (2006) Factors influencing the adoption of mass customization: Determinants, moderating variables and cross-national generalizability, Cuvillier, Goettingen.
  11. LOEBBECKE C., KAPLAN A.M. (eds) (2003) Global media management research, University of Cologne, Cologne.


  1. KAPLAN A., HAENLEIN M. (2024) To Be or Not to Be: Will Virtual Worlds and the Metaverse Gain Lasting Traction? CALIFORNIA MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 66(4).
  2. HAENLEIN M., HUANG M.-H., KAPLAN A. (2022) Business Ethics in the Era of Artificial Intelligence, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, 178, 867-869.
  3. KOPALLE Praveenn K., GANGWAR Manish, KAPLAN Andreas, RAMACHANDRAN Divya, REINARTZ Werner, RINDFLEISCH Aric (2022) Examining Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies in Marketing Via a Global Lens: Current Trends and Future Research Opportunities, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MARKETING, 39(2), 522-540.
  4. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A., (2021) Artificial intelligence and robotics: Shaking up the business world and society at large, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, 124, 405-407.
  5. PUCCIARELLI F., KAPLAN A. (2021) A transition to a hybrid teaching model as a step forward toward responsible management education?, JOURNAL OF GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY, 13(1), 7-20
  6. KANDAMPULLY J., BILGIHAN A., BUJISIC M., KAPLAN A., JARVIS C., SHUKLA Y. (2021) Service Transformation: How can it be achieved?, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, 136(C), 219-228.
  7. KAPLAN, A. (2020) Artificial Intelligence: Emphasis on Ethics & Education, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SWARM INTELLIGENCE AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION, 9(3).
  8. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2020) Rulers of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 63(1), 37-50.
  9. LIBAI B., BART Y., GENSLER S., HOFACKER C., KAPLAN A., KÖTTENHEINRICH K., KROLL E. (2020) A Brave New World? On AI and the Management of Customer Relationships, JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE MARKETING, 51(C), 44-56.
  10. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2019) A brief history of AI: On the past, present, and future of artificial intelligence, CALIFORNIA MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 61(4), 5-14.
  11. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M., TAN C.-W. & ZHANG P. (2019) Artificial intelligence (AI) and management analytics, JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT ANALYTICS, 6(4), 341-343.
  12. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2019) Digital Transformation and Disruption, On Big Data, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and Other Things, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 62(6), 679-681.
  13. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2019) Siri, Siri in my Hand, who is the Fairest in the Land? On the Interpretations, Illustrations and Implications of Artificial Intelligence, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 62(1), 15-25.
  14. KAPLAN A.M. (2018) “A School is a Building that Has 4 Walls – with Tomorrow Inside”: Toward the Reinvention of the Business School, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 61(4), 599-608.
  15. PUCCIARELLI F., KAPLAN A.M. (2017) Le Università Europee oggi: sfide e nuove strategie, ECONOMIA & MANAGEMENT, gennaio/febbraio, n.1, 85-95.
  16. KAPLAN A.M. (2016) Comment les entreprises peuvent-elles se protéger du bad buzz ? HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW FRANCE EXPERT, p. 78.
  17. KAPLAN A.M., PUCCIARELLI F. (2016) Contemporary Challenges in Higher Education – Three E’s for Education: Enhance, Embrace, Expand, IAU HORIZONS, International Universities Bureau of the United Nations, 21(4), 25-26.
  18. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2016) Higher Education and the Digital Revolution: About MOOCs, SPOCs, Social Media and the Cookie Monster, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 59(4), 441-450.
  19. PUCCIARELLI F., KAPLAN A.M. (2016) Competition and Strategy in Higher Education: Managing Complexity and Uncertainty, Business Horizons, 59(3), 311-320.
  20. KAPLAN A.M. (2014) European Management and European Business Schools: Insights from the History of Business Schools, EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, 32(4), 529-534.
  21. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2014) Collaborative projects (social media application): About Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 57(5), 617-626.
  22. PETERS K., CHEN Y., KAPLAN A.M., OGNIBENI B.,  PAUWELS K. (2013) Social Media Metrics – A Framework and Guidelines for Managing Social Media, JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE MARKETING, 27(4), 281-298.
  23. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2012) The impact of unprofitable customer abandonment on current customers’ exit, voice, and loyalty intentions: An empirical analysis, JOURNAL OF SERVICES MARKETING, 26(6), 458 – 470.
  24. KAPLAN A.M. (2012) If you love something, let it go mobile: Mobile marketing and mobile social media 4×4, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 55(2), 129-139.
  25. KAPLAN A.M. (2012) Social Media wird mobil: Grundlagen, Gebrauch und Gestaltung mobiler sozialer Medien, Marketing Review St. Gallen, 4, 16-20.
  26. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2012) Social media: back to the roots and back to the future, JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 14(2), 101-104.
  27. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2012) The Britney Spears universe: Social media and viral marketing at its best, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 55(1), 27-31.
  28. DEIGHTON J., FADER P., HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M., LIBEI B., MULLER E. (2011) Médias sociaux et entreprise, une route pleine de défis, RECHERCHE ET APPLICATIONS EN MARKETING, 26(3), 117-124.
  29. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M (2011) Eine Bewertung der Folgen des Abbruchs unprofitabler Kundenbeziehungen: Vergleich von direkten und indirekten Abbruchsstrategien, ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR BETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFT, 81(2), 77-94.
  30.  HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2011) The abandonment of unprofitable customer relationships: An analysis of emotional reactions, ADVANCES IN CONSUMER RESEARCH, 38(1), 787-788.
  31. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2011) The Influence of Observed Heterogeneity on Path Coefficient Significance: Technology Acceptance within the Marketing Discipline, JOURNAL OF MARKETING THEORY AND PRACTICE, 19(2), 153-168.
  32. KAPLAN A.M. (2011) Twitter ou le pouvoir de 140 caractères, EXPANSION MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 140 (Mars), 104-113.
  33. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2011) Editorial – Les médias sociaux sont définitivement devenus une réalité, Numéro Spécial Marketing et Médias Sociaux, RECHERCHE ET APPLICATIONS EN MARKETING, 26(3), 3-5.
  34. KAPLAN A.M. (2011) Social media between the real and the virtual: How Facebook, YouTube & Co. can become an extension of the real life of their users – and sometimes even more, PROSPECTIVE STRATEGIQUE, 38 (Mars), 8-13.
  35. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2011) Investigation of differences in diffusion between positive and negative Word-of-Mouth, ADVANCES IN CONSUMER RESEARCH, 38(1), 738-740.
  36. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2011) The early bird catches the news: Nine things you should know about micro-blogging, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 54(2), 105-113.
  37. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2011) Twitter voor bedrijven, MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE, 9(5).12-14.
  38. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2011) Two hearts in 3/4 time: How to waltz the Social Media – Viral Marketing dance, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 54(3), 253-263.
  39. HAENLEIN M., JALLAT F., KAPLAN A.M. (2010) Clients non rentables, quel traitement leur réserver ?, MARKETING MAGAZINE, 141(Juin/Août), 24.
  40. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2010) An empirical analysis of attitudinal and behavioral reactions toward the abandonment of unprofitable customer relationships, JOURNAL OF RELATIONSHIP MARKETING, 9(4), 200-228.
  41. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2010) Uitdagingen en kansen rond social media, MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE, 8(3), 18-19.
  42. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2010) Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 53(1), 59-68.
  43. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2010) Mondes virtuels : retour au réalisme, EXPANSION MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 138(Septembre), 90-102.
  44. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2009) Unprofitable customers and their management, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 52(1), 89-97.
  45. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M., (2009) Flagship brand stores within virtual worlds: The impact of virtual store exposure on real life band attitudes and purchase intent, RECHERCHE ET APPLICATIONS EN MARKETING, 24(3), 57-80.
  46. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M., (2009) Les Magasins de marques phares dans les mondes virtuels : L’impact de l’exposition au magasin virtuel sur l’attitude envers la marque et l’intention d’achat dans la vie réelle, RECHERCHE ET APPLICATIONS EN MARKETING, 24(3), 57-80.
  47. Kaplan A.M. (2009) Ce que dit un consommateur sur son blog est plus crédible qu’une publicité, LE NOUVEL ECONOMISTE, 1473/2, 46.
  48. KAPLAN A.M. (2009) Second Life : Leçons pour le monde réel, EXPANSION MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 133(Juin), 58-60.
  49. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2009) Consumer use and business potential of virtual worlds: The case of Second Life, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON MEDIA MANAGEMENT, 11(3/4), 93-101.
  50. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2009) Consumers, companies and virtual social worlds: A qualitative analysis of Second Life, ADVANCES IN CONSUMER RESEARCH, 36(1), 873-874.
  51. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2009) Rapprochement entre le marketing et l’administration publique : Vers une compréhension globale du potentiel du marketing public, REVUE FRANCAISE DU MARKETING, 224(Septembre), 49-66.
  52. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2009) The fairyland of Second Life: About virtual social worlds and how to use them, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 52(6), 563-572.
  53. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2009) The increasing importance of public marketing: Explanations, applications and limits of marketing within public administration, EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, 27(1), 197-212.
  54. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2009) Utilisation et potentiel commercial des hyperréalités : Une analyse qualitative de Second Life”, REVUE FRANCAISE DU MARKETING, 222(Mai), 69-81.
  55. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2008) Des clients à deux vitesses, DECISIONS MARKETING, 51(Juillet /Septembre), 77-81.
  56. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M., BEESER A. (2007) A Model to Determine Customer Lifetime Value in a Retail Banking Context, EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, 25(3), 221-234.
  57. KAPLAN A.M., SCHODER D., HAENLEIN M. (2007) Factors Influencing the Adoption of Mass Customization: The Impact of Base Category Consumption Frequency and Need Satisfaction, JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 24(2), 101-116.
  58. SCHODER D., SICK S., PUTZKE J., KAPLAN A.M. (2006) Mass customization in the newspaper industry. Consumers’ attitudes toward individualized media innovations, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON MEDIA MANAGEMENT, 8(1), 9-18.
  59. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2006) Toward a Parsimonious Definition of Traditional and Electronic Mass Customization, JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 23(2), 168-182.
  60. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M., SCHODER D. (2006) Valuing the real option of abandoning unprofitable customers when calculating customer lifetime value, JOURNAL OF MARKETING, 70(3), 5-20.
  61. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M., (2004) A beginner’s guide to partial least squares (PLS) analysis”, UNDERSTANDING STATISTICS – STATISTICAL ISSUES IN PSYCHOLOGY, EDUCATION AND THE SOCIAL SCIENCES, 3(4), 283-297.

Book chapters

  1. KAPLAN A. (2024) Fast Fashion’s Fate: Artificial Intelligence, Sustainability, and the Apparel Industry, In: Walker T., Wendt S., Goubran S., Schwartz T., Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability – Innovations in Business and Financial Services, Palgrave-Macmillan.
  2. KAPLAN A. (2024) Post-Pandemic Perseverance in Higher Education’s Dooming Digital Days: The Example of Business and Management Education, in BÉJEAN M., BRABET J., MOLHONA E., VERCHER-CHAPTAL C., Disruptive Digitalization and Platforms Risks and Opportunities of the Great Transformation of Politics, Socio-economic Models, Work, and Education, Routledge.
  3. KAPLAN A.M. (2023) Innovation in Artificial Intelligence: Illustrations in Academia, Apparel, and the Arts, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management, Oxford University Press.
  4. MAŁAGOCKA K., MAZUREK G., KAPLAN A. (2023) Virtual worlds through virtual reality and augmented reality, in YAN Z. (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Cyber Behavior, Cambridge University Press.
  5. PUCCIARELLI F., KAPLAN A. (2023) Voice-powered artificial intelligence, in YAN Z. (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Cyber Behavior, Cambridge University Press.
  6. KAPLAN A.M. (2022) Higher Education in Motion: Its Transformation and Potential Disruption, in Kaplan A., Digital Transformation and Disruption of Higher Education, Cambridge University Press.
  7. KAPLAN A.M. (2022) Nothing Is Constant Except Change: Academia’s Digital Transformation, in Kaplan A., Digital Transformation and Disruption of Higher Education, Cambridge University Press.
  8. KAPLAN A.M. (2022) Social Media Powered by Artificial Intelligence, Violence and Nonviolence, in Kurtz L., Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace & Conflict, 3rd Edition, Volume 4: Cultural Dimensions, Elsevier, 253-258.
  9. KAPLAN A.M. (2021) Artificial Intelligence (AI): When Humans and Machines Might Have to Coexist, in Verdegem P., AI for Everyone: Critical Perspectives, University of Westminster Press, London, 21-32.
  10. KAPLAN A.M. (2020) Artificial Intelligence, Social Media, and Fake News: Is this the End of Democracy? ” in Gül, A. A., Ertürk, Y. D. and Elmer, P., Digital Transformation in Media and Society, Istanbul University Press Books, 149-161.
  11. KAPLAN A.M. (2020) Artificial Intelligence, Marketing, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Clarifications, Challenges, Concerns, in Christiansen B., and Škrinjarić T., Handbook of Research on Applied AI for International Business and Marketing Applications, IGI, 1-13.
  12. KAPLAN A.M. (2020) Hochschulbildung in Zeiten der Künstlichen Intelligenz, in Nachtwei J., Sonderband Zukunft der Arbeit.
  13. KAPLAN A.M. (2020) Retailing and the Ethical Challenges and Dilemmas Behind Artificial Intelligence, in Pantano Eleonora (editor) Retail Futures: The good, the bad and the ugly of the digital transformation, Emerald Publishing, UK, 181-191.
  14. KAPLAN A.M. (2020) Your Attention, Please: You’ve Got 15 Seconds! TikTok and How Organizations Can Make Use of It, in KOLUKIRIK, S. (ed.), Digitalization and Future of Digital Society, Peter Lang Publishing House, 367- 378.
  15. PUCCIARELLI F., KAPLAN A.M. (2019) Competition in Higher Education, in  Bang Nguyen, T C Melewar and Jane Hemsley-Brown (editors) Strategic Brand Management in Higher Education, Routledge, New York.
  16. KAPLAN A.M. (2018) Towards a Theory of European Business Culture: The Case of Management Education at the ESCP Europe Business School, in Suder Gabriele, Riviere Monica, Lindeque Johan  (eds.), The Routledge Companion to European Business, Routledge, 113-124.
  17. KAPLAN A.M. (2018) Social Media, in Barney Warf, The Sage Encyclopedia of the Internet, Sage Publications Ltd., London.
  18. KAPLAN A.M., MAZUREK G. (2018) Social Media: State of the Art and Research Agenda, in Albarran Alan, Mierzewjeska Bozena, Jung Jaemin, Handbook of Media Management and Economics (2nd edition), Routledge, 273-286.
  19. KAPLAN A.M. (2018) Social Media, Definition and History, in Reda Alhajj and Jon Rokne (eds.) Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining (2nd edition), Springer.
  20. KAPLAN A.M. (2018) European management and European business schools: Insights from the history of business schools, In Sabina Siebert (ed.) Management Research: European Perspectives, Routledge, 211-225.
  21. KAPLAN A.M. (2017) Academia Goes Social Media, MOOC, SPOC, SMOC, and SSOC: The Digital Transformation of Higher Education Institutions and Universities, in Bikramjit Rishi and Subir Bandyopadhyay (eds.), Contemporary Issues in Social Media Marketing, Routledge.
  22. KAPLAN A.M. (2017) European Business Cultures: Theory & Practice, in Suder Gabriele, Riviere Monica, Lindeque Johan  (eds.), The Routledge Companion to European Business, Routledge.
  23. KAPLAN A.M. (2016) O Brave New World that has such Creatures in: How Digital Media shape Corporations, Organizations, and Society at Large, in Grzegorz Mazurek and Jolanta Tkaczyk, The impact of the Digital World on Management and Marketing, Kozminsiki University, Poltext, 17-22.
  24. KAPLAN A.M. (2016) Social Media, Definition and History, in Reda Alhajj and Jon Rokne (eds.) Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining (2nd edition), Springer.
  25. KAPLAN A.M. (2015) Social Media, in Daniel Thomas Cook and J. Michael Ryan, Encyclopedia of Consumption and Consumer Studies, Wiley Blackwell
  26. KAPLAN A.M. (2015) Microblogs, in Peng Hwa Ang and Mansell Robin (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication & Society, Wiley Blackwell, 1-8.
  27. KAPLAN A.M. (2014) Facebook, Instagram, Sneakerpedia et compagnie : Foot Locker, Inc. sur les Médias Sociaux, in PEELEN E., JALLAT F., STEVENS E., VOLLE P., Gestion de la relation client, Pearson Education (4e éd.).
  28. KAPLAN A.M. (2014) Social Media, Definition and History, in Reda Alhajj and Jon Rokne (eds.) Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, Springer, 1825-1827.
  29. KAPLAN A.M. (2012) Burger King – Le marketing viral à tout prix ?, in PRIME N., USUNIER J.-C., Marketing international Marchés, cultures et organisations, Pearson, Paris, 333-336.
  30. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2012) Understanding purchasing behavior within virtual worlds: Planned purchases and impulse buying, in LI E.Y., LOH S., EVANS C., LORENZI F. (eds.)  Organizations and Social Networking: Utilizing Social Media to Engage Consumers, IGI Global, 79-101.
  31. KAPLAN A.M. (2011) Dell – Social Media is here, in LEVY M., WEITZ B., Retailing management (8th ed.), Teaching Manual, McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
  32. KAPLAN A. M., HAENLEIN M., (2011) The Birds are Tweeting – and so am I: An Essay on the Use and Potential of Twitter and Micro-blogging, in CENTENO E., VELOUTSOU C., New Perspective of Contemporary Marketing, Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), 193-202.
  33. BASCOUL G., KAPLAN A.M. (2010) Communautés et marketing relationnel, in MICHON C. (ed.), Le Marketeur (3e éd.), Pearson Education, 431-450.
  34. JALLAT F., KAPLAN A.M. (2010) Développer un marketing en ligne, in MICHON C. (ed.), Le Marketeur (3e éd.), Pearson Education, 369-390.
  35. KAPLAN A.M. (2010) Comment utiliser les Medias Sociaux dans une politique de communication ?, in FROSSARD A.L. et GUCESKI P., Le Tour du Marketing en 12 étapes, Dunod, 237.
  36. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2010) From Real to Virtual and Back Again: The Use and Potential of Virtual Social Worlds within the IT Industry, in PAPADOPOULOU P., KANELLIS P., and MARTAKOS D., Social Computing Theory And Practice: Interdisciplinary Approaches, IGI Global, 285-300.
  37. KAPLAN A.M. (2009) Blogging, Facebook, Twitter: Southwest Airlines et ses relations client via les médias sociaux, in PEELEN E., JALLAT F., STEVENS E., VOLLE P., Gestion de la relation client, Pearson Education (3e éd.), 372-374.
  38. KAPLAN A.M. (2009) Virtual worlds and business schools: The case of INSEAD, in WANKEL C., KINGSLEY J., Higher education in virtual worlds: Teaching and learning in second life, Emerald Group Publishing, 83-100.

Conference proceedings

  1. KAPLAN A., HAENLEIN M. (2019), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its Impact on Universities, Corporations and Governments, International Marketing Trends Conference, International Marketing Trends Conference, January 17-19, Venise, Italy.
  2. PUCCIARELI F., KAPLAN A.M. (2016) Navigating Complex Waters: Strategizing in the Higher Education Sector, in Proceedings of the 15th International Congress Marketing Trends, January 21-23, Venice, Italy.
  3. HAENLEIN M.; KAPLAN A.M. (2011) The Parting of the Ways: Emotional and Behavioral Reactions in Response to Alternative Customer Divestment Strategies, American Marketing Association, August 5-7, San Francisco, USA.
  4. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M.  (2010) The abandonment of unprofitable customer relationships: An analysis of emotional reactions, Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research Conference, October 7-10, Jacksonville, Florida.
  5. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2010) Les enjeux émotionnels liés à la mise à l’écart des clients non-profitables : compassion ou auto-satisfaction ?, in Actes du 26ème Congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 6-7 mai, Le Mans, France.
  6. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2010) The emotional consequences of unprofitable customer abandonment: Feeling sorry for the other or good about yourself?, in Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  7. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2010) The impact of unprofitable customer abandonment on current customers’ exit, voice, and loyalty intentions: An empirical analysis, in Proceedings of the Winter Marketing Educators Conference, American Marketing Association, February 19 – 22, New Orleans, USA.
  8. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2010) The impact of unprofitbale customer abandonment on current customers’ emotions: Negative other-focused vs. positive ego-focused , in Proceedings of the Summer Marketing Educators Conference, American Marketing Association, August 13-16, Boston, USA.
  9. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2010) Investigation of differences in diffusion between positive and negative Word-of-Mouth, in Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research Conference, October 7-10, Jacksonville, Florida.
  10. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2010) The birds are tweeting – and so am I: An essay on the use and potential of Twitter and micro-blogging, in Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Conference on Marketing, 5-8 July, Athens, Greece.
  11. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2010) The use and potential of Twitter and micro-blogging for marketing strategy: A qualitative case study approach, in Proceedings of the 9th International Congress Marketing Trends, January 21-23, Venice, Italy.
  12. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2009) Living online: Consumer behavior in Second Life, in Proceedings of American Marketing Association (AMA Winter), Tampa, Florida.
  13. KAPLAN A.M. (2009) Failure is the stepping stone to success: Insights into virtual worlds, in Proceedings of the Marketing 2.0 Conference, Paris, France.
  14. KAPLAN A.M. (2009) Les mondes virtuels et pourquoi quelques entreprises y échouent ?, in Actes de l’Atelier de Recherche Appliquée de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 8 avril, Paris, France.
  15. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2009) Beyond online advertising: The influence of virtual flagship stores on real life consumption behavior, in Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, May 26-29, Nantes, France.
  16. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2009) Stratégies de marque au sein des mondes virtuels, in Actes du Congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 13-15 mai, Londres, Royaume-Uni.
  17. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A. M. (2008) Analyzing the feasibility of compensating the negative consequences of abandoning unprofitable customers, in Proceedings of Summer Marketing Educators Conference, American Marketing Association, August 8-11, San Diego, USA.
  18. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2008) Consumer use and business potential of virtual hyperrealities: A qualitative analysis of Second Life, in ‘Marketing Landscapes: A Pause for Thought’, Proceedings of the 37th EMAC Conference, May 27-30, Brighton, UK.
  19. KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2008) Consumers, companies and virtual social worlds: A qualitative analysis of Second Life, in Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2008, San Francisco, California.
  20. KAPLAN A.M. (2008) Second life and customer relationship management, in Proceedings of the 7th International Congress Marketing Trends, Università Ca’ Foscari, January 17-19, Venice, Italy.
  21. KAPLAN A.M. (2007) Rapprochement entre le marketing et l’administration publique. Quel avenir pour ce domaine de recherche ?, in Actes de Colloque de ESCP Europe, Paris, France, Paris, France.
  22. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2006) Valuing the real option of abandoning unprofitable customers when calculating customer lifetime value”, in Proceedings of Winter Marketing Educators Conference, American Marketing Association, February 18-20, St. Petersburg, USA.


  1. PUCCIARELLI F., KAPLAN A. (2021) From narrative to action: are business schools finally walking the talk of responsible management education, in: BUNKANWANICHA P., LÜDEKE-FREUND F., RAZMDOOST K., BEN SLIMANE S. (eds), Better Business: Creating Sustainable Value, ESCP Impact Papers, ESCP Business School, 254-259.
  2. KAPLAN A. (2020) Covid-19: A (potential) chance for the digitalization of higher education, in: BUNKANWANICHA P., COEURDEROY R., BEN SLIMANE S. (eds), Managing a Post-Covid19 Era, ESCP Impact Papers, ESCP Business School, 307-311.
  3. PUCCIARELLI F., KAPLAN A. (2020) Force for good: Social media’s bright side restored, in: BUNKANWANICHA P., COEURDEROY R., BEN SLIMANE S. (eds), Managing a Post-Covid19 Era, ESCP Impact Papers, ESCP Business School, 154-159.
  4. MORAND P., MANCEAU D. (eds), BASCOUL G., BUREAU S., CHEKROUN D., COMBE E., DELVAILLE P., FENDT J., FENOLL-TROUSSEAU M.-P., FRÉRY F., KAPLAN A.M., LAROCHE H., LE MANH A., (2009) Pour une nouvelle vision de l’innovation, Rapport officiel, Ministère de l’Economie, de l’Industrie et de l’Emploi, Paris, pp. 1-106.
  5. HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2008) Evaluating the negative consequences of abandoning unprofitable customer: Insights from MSI.
  6. KAPLAN A.M. (2007) Apports et limites du marketing dans l’Administration Publique, Ecole Nationale d’Administration.
  7. KAPLAN A.M. (2004) Success factors for exporting music content: the example of the German and French music industry, University of Cologne, Cologne.
  8. LOEBBECKE C., NIEDERMEYER U., KAPLAN A.M., KURUCU G. (2003) Betriebswirtschaftliche Betrachtung öffentlich-rechtlicher TV-Online Aktivitäten, Institut für Rundfunkökonomie an der Universität zu Köln, 183.

Case studies & Pedagogical tools

  1. KAPLAN A.M. (2022) Fast Fashion Goes Green? AI & the Apparel Industry (H&M, Shein, and Zara), The Case Centre, Case 722-0020-1 & Teaching Note 722-0020-8.
  2. KAPLAN A.M. (2020) Marrying Cultural Heritage and High Tech:  The Use of ARTificial Intelligence in Museums (Beijing’s Palace Museum, NYC’s Met, and Paris’ Louvre), The Case Centre, Case 320-0057-1 / Teaching Note 320-0057-8.
  3. KAPLAN A.M. (2014) Social Media and Viral Marketing at ESCP Europe, the World’s First Business School (est. 1819), European Case Clearing House, Case 514-058-1 / Teaching note 514-058-8.
  4. KAPLAN A.M. (2012) Virgin America – Taking Social Media and Viral Marketing to New Heights, European Case Clearing House, Case # 512-004-1 / Teaching note # 512-004-8.
  5. KAPLAN A.M. (2011) Public marketing in the City of Lights: Paris’s innovative electrical car sharing program ‘Autolib’, European Case Clearing House, Case # 511-011-1 / Teaching note # 511-011-8.
  6. KAPLAN A.M. (2010) From Hell to Sell: Dell’s Social Media Strategy, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques, M1674 (GB).
  7. KAPLAN A.M. (2010) From Hell to Sell : la stratégie des Médias Sociaux de Dell, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques, M1674.

Media (Selected)

  1. KAPLAN A. (2025) Fit Over Fame: Finding The Best B-School For You, Regardless Of Rankings, Poets & Quants, February 26.
  2. KAPLAN A. (2024) Metaverse in Motion: Myth or Momentum? CMR Insights, September 3, 2024.
  3. KAPLAN A. (2024) Rethinking How Universities Find Their Next Leader: Strategies to Identify and Develop Your Business School’s Future Dean, Harvard Business Publishing, February 1, 2024.
  4. KAPLAN A. (2023) Business education’s rising rivalry: a reason for rigorous research with relevance and reach, EFMD Global Focus, 17(2), 40-45.
  5. KAPLAN A. (2023) Competitive Edge: The Business School Advantage, AACSB Insights, July 12, 2023.
  6. KAPLAN A. (2023) La rivalidad entre las escuelas de negocios: un motivo para la investigación relevante, EFMD Global Foucs, Edición en castellano, 36-41.
  7. KAPLAN A. (2023) Ranking and accreditation to improve, not to impress, THE-Times Higher Education, June 8, 2023.
  8. KAPLAN A. (2023) Relevant & responsible research to counter competition,, April 6, 2023.
  9. KAPLAN A. (2023) 商业教育的竞争日益激烈:推动具有意义和影响力的严 谨研究, 全球聚焦, 46-51.
  10. KAPLAN A. (2022) Le « tout-digital », garant d’une plus grande durabilité dans l’industrie de la mode ?, The Conversation, April 11, 2022.
  11. KAPLAN A. (2021) Branding and Bonding: the key to competing in the digital age, EAIE – European Association for International Education, July 6, 2021.
  12. KAPLAN A. (2021) Business Schools: Differentiate Yourselves!, AACSB Insights, June 8, 2021.
  13. KAPLAN A. (2021) Business Schools: Going Digital Simply Must Make Sense!, January 5, 2021.
  14. KAPLAN A. (2021) Du modèle « études-travail-retraite » aux partenariats d’apprentissage à vie, LinkedIn, November 10, 2021.
  15. KAPLAN A. (2021) Facebook et son « métavers » : le cauchemar devient-il réalité ?, La Libre Belgique, December 6, 2021.
  16. KAPLAN A. (2021) Intelligence artificielle : mettre l’accent sur l’éducation, L’ADN Tendances, 2021, 195.
  17. KAPLAN A. (2021) More than just bricks and mortar, LSE Higher Education Blog, August 12, 2021
  18. KAPLAN A. (2021) Multi- and Interdisciplinarity Empowered and Entailed by Business Schools’ Digitalisation,, April 29, 2021.
  19. KAPLAN A. (2021) Prepare for student sustainability demands to go through the roof, THE – Times Higher Education, October 19 2021.
  20. KAPLAN A. (2021) Professionals Need to Keep Their Skills Fresh. Will They Turn to Higher Ed?, Harvard Business Publishing, September 17, 2021.
  21. KAPLAN A. (2021) Slowly but surely: business schools boost sustainability, Emerald blog post, February 2 2021.
  22. KAPLAN A. (2021) The 21st Century University: Societal and Sustainable, Responsible Research in Business & Management, RRBM,, May 7, 2021.
  23. PUCCIARELLI F, KAPLAN A. (2021) From narrative to action: Are business schools walking the talk of responsible management education?,, June 28, 2021.
  24. KAPLAN A. (2020/2021) A question of code and ethics, The European, Winter 2020/2021, 56-58.
  25. KAPLAN, A. (2020) Corona forciert den digitalen Wandel des Bildungswesens – Können EdTech und Big Tech Universitäten ersetzen?, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, June 11, 2020.
  26. KAPLAN, A. (2020) How Covid-19 rendered the impossible possible, Olbios – Network for Action.
  27. KAPLAN A. (2020) Sustainability: Students Spur Universities,
  28. KAPLAN, A. (2020) Universities, Be Aware: Start-Ups Strip Away Your Glory; About EdTech’s potential take-over of the higher education sector;, May 11, 2020.
  29. KAPLAN, A. (2020) Vom Präsenzstudium zur Online-Lehre in kürzester Zeit: Corona als Chance für Universitäten, das Digitalisierungsdefizit Europas dauerhaft zu vermindern, Deutsch-Französischer Wirtschaftskreis, June 20, 2020.
  30. HAENLEIN, M.. KAPLAN, A. (2019) Tales, Myths and Fairytales of Artificial Intelligence: Clarification and Decryption, CMR Insights, July 25, 2019.
  31. KAPLAN, A. (2019) An Ethical Approach to AI is an Absolute Imperative, Olbios – Network for Action.
  32. KAPLAN, A. (2019) Europe’s digitalisation delay: help via (higher) education, The Conversation, March 6, 2019.
  33. KAPLAN, A. (2019), Europe’s potential niche: Going digital in a human and sustainable way, metro – Views on issues at the United Nations, February 20 2019 (Issue 23).
  34. KAPLAN, A. (2019) Emmanuel Macrons europäische Universität – Dieser Weg wird kein leichter sein, Treffpunkt Europa, January 9, 2019.
  35. KAPLAN, A. (2019), La voie pour l’Europe ? Une digitalisation humaine et durable, metro – Points de vue sur les débats aux Nations Unies, Février 20 2019 (#23).
  36. KAPLAN, A. (2019), Numérique : peut-on encore combler le retard européen ? La Tribune, February 7, 2019.
  37. KAPLAN, A. (2019) Réconcilier profs de fac et Britney Spears. Ou l’impact de l’IA sur l’enseignement, The Conversation, October 28th, 2019.
  38. KAPLAN, A. (2019), Retard numérique de l’Europe face aux États-Unis et la Chine : le salut viendra-t-il de l’enseignement ? The Conversation, February 5, 2019.
  39. KAPLAN, A. (2018), Debate: Emmanuel Macron’s European university, an IDEA for moving Europe forward, The Conversation, September 27, 2018.
  40. KAPLAN, A. (2018), Happy birthday to 200 years of management education, The Conversation, August 30, 2018.
  41. KAPLAN, A. (2018), Une école de commerce est aussi forte que la communauté qu’elle façonne : la preuve par quatre, The Conversation, August 20, 2018.
  42. KAPLAN, A. (2018), Make Europe sexy again: how an image makeover could improve the fortunes of the EU, If we want to build a cohesive Europe, it pays to make it look fun and exciting. Is it time to sex up the EU?, Prospect Magazine, January 16, 2018.
  43. KAPLAN, A. (2018) De l’auberge espagnole à l’université européenne : rêve ou réalité ? The Conversation, March 4, 2018.
  44. KAPLAN, A. (2017), Ecoles de commerce : assurance-qualité et accusations, La Tribune.
  45. KAPLAN, A. (2017), How can the European Union be more meaningful for its citizens?, The Conversation, October 15, 2017.
  46. KAPLAN, A. and F. PUCCIARELLI (2016), Contemporary Challenges in Higher Education – Three E’s for Education: Enhance, Embrace, Expand, IAU HORIZONS, International Universities Bureau of the United Nations.
  47. KAPLAN, A. (2015), Trop de transparence tue la transparence, Harvard Business Review France.
  48. KAPLAN, A. (2014), Comment les grandes marques peuvent-elles se protéger du bad buzz ?, Harvard Business Review France.
  49. KAPLAN, A. (2014), Du neuf avec du vieux ? L’impact des MOOC sur les écoles de commerce, Harvard Business Review France.
  50. KAPLAN, A. (2014), Et si la vie virtuelle était plus belle que la vie réelle ?, Harvard Business Review France.
  51. KAPLAN, A. (2014), Pourquoi les grandes marques sont-elles plus vulnérables sur les réseaux sociaux ?, Harvard Business Review France.
  52. KAPLAN, A. (2011), Social media between the real and the virtual: How Facebook, YouTube & Co. can become an extension of the real life of their users – and sometimes even more, PROSPECTIVE STRATEGIQUE.
  53. KAPLAN, A. (2011), Twitter ou le pouvoir de 140 caractères, L’EXPANSION MANAGEMENT REVIEW.
  54. BOUDES, T., LAROCHE, H., FRERY, F., MOATTI, V., MUCCHIELLI, J. L., BANCEL, F., SAUSSOIS, J. M., MIKOL, A., KAPLAN, A. and L. LAULUSA (2009), Crise, krach, récession, big bang ?, L’EXPANSION MANAGEMENT REVIEW.
  55. KAPLAN, A. (2009), Second Life, Leçons pour le monde réel, L’EXPANSION MANAGEMENT REVIEW, Crise, krach, récession, big bang ?.


  1. KAPLAN A.M. (2010) Aller-Retour du Réel au Virtuel : De la customisation de masse, du marketing relationnel et des mondes virtuels, Habilitation Thesis in Business Administration, Sorbonne Graduate Business School, Université de Paris 1- Panthéon-Sorbonne.
  2. KAPLAN A.M., (2005) Factors influencing the adoption of mass customization: Determinants, moderating variables and cross-national generalizability, Doctoral Dissertation in Business Administration, University of Cologne, HEC Paris.
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