- KAPLAN A.M. (2023) Business Schools Post-Covid-19: A Blueprint for Survival, Taylor & Francis, UK.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2022) Artificial Intelligence, Business, and Civilization: Our Fate Made in Machines, Routledge, UK.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2022) Digital Transformation and Disruption of Higher Education, Cambridge University Press.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2021) Higher Education at the Crossroads of Disruption: The University of the 21st Century, Great Debates in Higher Education, Emerald Publishing.
- TUTEN T., SOLOMON M., KAPLAN A.M. (2019) Marketing des Médias Sociaux, Pearson, Paris.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2015) European business and management (Vol. I) – Cultural specificities and cross-cultural commonalities, Sage Publications Ltd., London.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2015) European business and management (Vol. II) – Business ethics and corporate social responsibility, Sage Publications Ltd., London.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2015) European business and management (Vol. III) – Contextual diversity and interdisciplinary aspects, Sage Publications Ltd., London.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2015) European business and management (Vol. IV) – Business education and scholarly research, Sage Publications Ltd., London.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2006) Factors influencing the adoption of mass customization: Determinants, moderating variables and cross-national generalizability, Cuvillier, Goettingen.
- LOEBBECKE C., KAPLAN A.M. (eds) (2003) Global media management research, University of Cologne, Cologne.
- KAPLAN A., HAENLEIN M. (2024) To Be or Not to Be: Will Virtual Worlds and the Metaverse Gain Lasting Traction? CALIFORNIA MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 66(4).
- HAENLEIN M., HUANG M.-H., KAPLAN A. (2022) Business Ethics in the Era of Artificial Intelligence, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, 178, 867-869.
- KOPALLE Praveenn K., GANGWAR Manish, KAPLAN Andreas, RAMACHANDRAN Divya, REINARTZ Werner, RINDFLEISCH Aric (2022) Examining Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies in Marketing Via a Global Lens: Current Trends and Future Research Opportunities, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MARKETING, 39(2), 522-540.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A., (2021) Artificial intelligence and robotics: Shaking up the business world and society at large, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, 124, 405-407.
- PUCCIARELLI F., KAPLAN A. (2021) A transition to a hybrid teaching model as a step forward toward responsible management education?, JOURNAL OF GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY, 13(1), 7-20
- KANDAMPULLY J., BILGIHAN A., BUJISIC M., KAPLAN A., JARVIS C., SHUKLA Y. (2021) Service Transformation: How can it be achieved?, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, 136(C), 219-228.
- KAPLAN, A. (2020) Artificial Intelligence: Emphasis on Ethics & Education, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SWARM INTELLIGENCE AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION, 9(3).
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2020) Rulers of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 63(1), 37-50.
- LIBAI B., BART Y., GENSLER S., HOFACKER C., KAPLAN A., KÖTTENHEINRICH K., KROLL E. (2020) A Brave New World? On AI and the Management of Customer Relationships, JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE MARKETING, 51(C), 44-56.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2019) A brief history of AI: On the past, present, and future of artificial intelligence, CALIFORNIA MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 61(4), 5-14.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M., TAN C.-W. & ZHANG P. (2019) Artificial intelligence (AI) and management analytics, JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT ANALYTICS, 6(4), 341-343.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2019) Digital Transformation and Disruption, On Big Data, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and Other Things, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 62(6), 679-681.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2019) Siri, Siri in my Hand, who is the Fairest in the Land? On the Interpretations, Illustrations and Implications of Artificial Intelligence, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 62(1), 15-25.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2018) “A School is a Building that Has 4 Walls – with Tomorrow Inside”: Toward the Reinvention of the Business School, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 61(4), 599-608.
- PUCCIARELLI F., KAPLAN A.M. (2017) Le Università Europee oggi: sfide e nuove strategie, ECONOMIA & MANAGEMENT, gennaio/febbraio, n.1, 85-95.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2016) Comment les entreprises peuvent-elles se protéger du bad buzz ? HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW FRANCE EXPERT, p. 78.
- KAPLAN A.M., PUCCIARELLI F. (2016) Contemporary Challenges in Higher Education – Three E’s for Education: Enhance, Embrace, Expand, IAU HORIZONS, International Universities Bureau of the United Nations, 21(4), 25-26.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2016) Higher Education and the Digital Revolution: About MOOCs, SPOCs, Social Media and the Cookie Monster, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 59(4), 441-450.
- PUCCIARELLI F., KAPLAN A.M. (2016) Competition and Strategy in Higher Education: Managing Complexity and Uncertainty, Business Horizons, 59(3), 311-320.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2014) European Management and European Business Schools: Insights from the History of Business Schools, EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, 32(4), 529-534.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2014) Collaborative projects (social media application): About Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 57(5), 617-626.
- PETERS K., CHEN Y., KAPLAN A.M., OGNIBENI B., PAUWELS K. (2013) Social Media Metrics – A Framework and Guidelines for Managing Social Media, JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE MARKETING, 27(4), 281-298.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2012) The impact of unprofitable customer abandonment on current customers’ exit, voice, and loyalty intentions: An empirical analysis, JOURNAL OF SERVICES MARKETING, 26(6), 458 – 470.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2012) If you love something, let it go mobile: Mobile marketing and mobile social media 4×4, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 55(2), 129-139.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2012) Social Media wird mobil: Grundlagen, Gebrauch und Gestaltung mobiler sozialer Medien, Marketing Review St. Gallen, 4, 16-20.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2012) Social media: back to the roots and back to the future, JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 14(2), 101-104.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2012) The Britney Spears universe: Social media and viral marketing at its best, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 55(1), 27-31.
- DEIGHTON J., FADER P., HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M., LIBEI B., MULLER E. (2011) Médias sociaux et entreprise, une route pleine de défis, RECHERCHE ET APPLICATIONS EN MARKETING, 26(3), 117-124.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M (2011) Eine Bewertung der Folgen des Abbruchs unprofitabler Kundenbeziehungen: Vergleich von direkten und indirekten Abbruchsstrategien, ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR BETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFT, 81(2), 77-94.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2011) The abandonment of unprofitable customer relationships: An analysis of emotional reactions, ADVANCES IN CONSUMER RESEARCH, 38(1), 787-788.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2011) The Influence of Observed Heterogeneity on Path Coefficient Significance: Technology Acceptance within the Marketing Discipline, JOURNAL OF MARKETING THEORY AND PRACTICE, 19(2), 153-168.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2011) Twitter ou le pouvoir de 140 caractères, EXPANSION MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 140 (Mars), 104-113.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2011) Editorial – Les médias sociaux sont définitivement devenus une réalité, Numéro Spécial Marketing et Médias Sociaux, RECHERCHE ET APPLICATIONS EN MARKETING, 26(3), 3-5.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2011) Social media between the real and the virtual: How Facebook, YouTube & Co. can become an extension of the real life of their users – and sometimes even more, PROSPECTIVE STRATEGIQUE, 38 (Mars), 8-13.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2011) Investigation of differences in diffusion between positive and negative Word-of-Mouth, ADVANCES IN CONSUMER RESEARCH, 38(1), 738-740.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2011) The early bird catches the news: Nine things you should know about micro-blogging, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 54(2), 105-113.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2011) Twitter voor bedrijven, MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE, 9(5).12-14.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2011) Two hearts in 3/4 time: How to waltz the Social Media – Viral Marketing dance, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 54(3), 253-263.
- HAENLEIN M., JALLAT F., KAPLAN A.M. (2010) Clients non rentables, quel traitement leur réserver ?, MARKETING MAGAZINE, 141(Juin/Août), 24.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2010) An empirical analysis of attitudinal and behavioral reactions toward the abandonment of unprofitable customer relationships, JOURNAL OF RELATIONSHIP MARKETING, 9(4), 200-228.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2010) Uitdagingen en kansen rond social media, MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE, 8(3), 18-19.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2010) Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 53(1), 59-68.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2010) Mondes virtuels : retour au réalisme, EXPANSION MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 138(Septembre), 90-102.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2009) Unprofitable customers and their management, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 52(1), 89-97.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M., (2009) Flagship brand stores within virtual worlds: The impact of virtual store exposure on real life band attitudes and purchase intent, RECHERCHE ET APPLICATIONS EN MARKETING, 24(3), 57-80.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M., (2009) Les Magasins de marques phares dans les mondes virtuels : L’impact de l’exposition au magasin virtuel sur l’attitude envers la marque et l’intention d’achat dans la vie réelle, RECHERCHE ET APPLICATIONS EN MARKETING, 24(3), 57-80.
- Kaplan A.M. (2009) Ce que dit un consommateur sur son blog est plus crédible qu’une publicité, LE NOUVEL ECONOMISTE, 1473/2, 46.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2009) Second Life : Leçons pour le monde réel, EXPANSION MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 133(Juin), 58-60.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2009) Consumer use and business potential of virtual worlds: The case of Second Life, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON MEDIA MANAGEMENT, 11(3/4), 93-101.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2009) Consumers, companies and virtual social worlds: A qualitative analysis of Second Life, ADVANCES IN CONSUMER RESEARCH, 36(1), 873-874.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2009) Rapprochement entre le marketing et l’administration publique : Vers une compréhension globale du potentiel du marketing public, REVUE FRANCAISE DU MARKETING, 224(Septembre), 49-66.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2009) The fairyland of Second Life: About virtual social worlds and how to use them, BUSINESS HORIZONS, 52(6), 563-572.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2009) The increasing importance of public marketing: Explanations, applications and limits of marketing within public administration, EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, 27(1), 197-212.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2009) Utilisation et potentiel commercial des hyperréalités : Une analyse qualitative de Second Life”, REVUE FRANCAISE DU MARKETING, 222(Mai), 69-81.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2008) Des clients à deux vitesses, DECISIONS MARKETING, 51(Juillet /Septembre), 77-81.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M., BEESER A. (2007) A Model to Determine Customer Lifetime Value in a Retail Banking Context, EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, 25(3), 221-234.
- KAPLAN A.M., SCHODER D., HAENLEIN M. (2007) Factors Influencing the Adoption of Mass Customization: The Impact of Base Category Consumption Frequency and Need Satisfaction, JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 24(2), 101-116.
- SCHODER D., SICK S., PUTZKE J., KAPLAN A.M. (2006) Mass customization in the newspaper industry. Consumers’ attitudes toward individualized media innovations, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON MEDIA MANAGEMENT, 8(1), 9-18.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2006) Toward a Parsimonious Definition of Traditional and Electronic Mass Customization, JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 23(2), 168-182.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M., SCHODER D. (2006) Valuing the real option of abandoning unprofitable customers when calculating customer lifetime value, JOURNAL OF MARKETING, 70(3), 5-20.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M., (2004) A beginner’s guide to partial least squares (PLS) analysis”, UNDERSTANDING STATISTICS – STATISTICAL ISSUES IN PSYCHOLOGY, EDUCATION AND THE SOCIAL SCIENCES, 3(4), 283-297.
Book chapters
- KAPLAN A. (2024) Fast Fashion’s Fate: Artificial Intelligence, Sustainability, and the Apparel Industry, In: Walker T., Wendt S., Goubran S., Schwartz T., Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability – Innovations in Business and Financial Services, Palgrave-Macmillan.
- KAPLAN A. (2024) Post-Pandemic Perseverance in Higher Education’s Dooming Digital Days: The Example of Business and Management Education, in BÉJEAN M., BRABET J., MOLHONA E., VERCHER-CHAPTAL C., Disruptive Digitalization and Platforms Risks and Opportunities of the Great Transformation of Politics, Socio-economic Models, Work, and Education, Routledge.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2023) Innovation in Artificial Intelligence: Illustrations in Academia, Apparel, and the Arts, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management, Oxford University Press.
- MAŁAGOCKA K., MAZUREK G., KAPLAN A. (2023) Virtual worlds through virtual reality and augmented reality, in YAN Z. (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Cyber Behavior, Cambridge University Press.
- PUCCIARELLI F., KAPLAN A. (2023) Voice-powered artificial intelligence, in YAN Z. (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Cyber Behavior, Cambridge University Press.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2022) Higher Education in Motion: Its Transformation and Potential Disruption, in Kaplan A., Digital Transformation and Disruption of Higher Education, Cambridge University Press.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2022) Nothing Is Constant Except Change: Academia’s Digital Transformation, in Kaplan A., Digital Transformation and Disruption of Higher Education, Cambridge University Press.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2022) Social Media Powered by Artificial Intelligence, Violence and Nonviolence, in Kurtz L., Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace & Conflict, 3rd Edition, Volume 4: Cultural Dimensions, Elsevier, 253-258.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2021) Artificial Intelligence (AI): When Humans and Machines Might Have to Coexist, in Verdegem P., AI for Everyone: Critical Perspectives, University of Westminster Press, London, 21-32.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2020) Artificial Intelligence, Social Media, and Fake News: Is this the End of Democracy? ” in Gül, A. A., Ertürk, Y. D. and Elmer, P., Digital Transformation in Media and Society, Istanbul University Press Books, 149-161.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2020) Artificial Intelligence, Marketing, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Clarifications, Challenges, Concerns, in Christiansen B., and Škrinjarić T., Handbook of Research on Applied AI for International Business and Marketing Applications, IGI, 1-13.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2020) Hochschulbildung in Zeiten der Künstlichen Intelligenz, in Nachtwei J., Sonderband Zukunft der Arbeit.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2020) Retailing and the Ethical Challenges and Dilemmas Behind Artificial Intelligence, in Pantano Eleonora (editor) Retail Futures: The good, the bad and the ugly of the digital transformation, Emerald Publishing, UK, 181-191.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2020) Your Attention, Please: You’ve Got 15 Seconds! TikTok and How Organizations Can Make Use of It, in KOLUKIRIK, S. (ed.), Digitalization and Future of Digital Society, Peter Lang Publishing House, 367- 378.
- PUCCIARELLI F., KAPLAN A.M. (2019) Competition in Higher Education, in Bang Nguyen, T C Melewar and Jane Hemsley-Brown (editors) Strategic Brand Management in Higher Education, Routledge, New York.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2018) Towards a Theory of European Business Culture: The Case of Management Education at the ESCP Europe Business School, in Suder Gabriele, Riviere Monica, Lindeque Johan (eds.), The Routledge Companion to European Business, Routledge, 113-124.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2018) Social Media, in Barney Warf, The Sage Encyclopedia of the Internet, Sage Publications Ltd., London.
- KAPLAN A.M., MAZUREK G. (2018) Social Media: State of the Art and Research Agenda, in Albarran Alan, Mierzewjeska Bozena, Jung Jaemin, Handbook of Media Management and Economics (2nd edition), Routledge, 273-286.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2018) Social Media, Definition and History, in Reda Alhajj and Jon Rokne (eds.) Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining (2nd edition), Springer.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2018) European management and European business schools: Insights from the history of business schools, In Sabina Siebert (ed.) Management Research: European Perspectives, Routledge, 211-225.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2017) Academia Goes Social Media, MOOC, SPOC, SMOC, and SSOC: The Digital Transformation of Higher Education Institutions and Universities, in Bikramjit Rishi and Subir Bandyopadhyay (eds.), Contemporary Issues in Social Media Marketing, Routledge.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2017) European Business Cultures: Theory & Practice, in Suder Gabriele, Riviere Monica, Lindeque Johan (eds.), The Routledge Companion to European Business, Routledge.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2016) O Brave New World that has such Creatures in: How Digital Media shape Corporations, Organizations, and Society at Large, in Grzegorz Mazurek and Jolanta Tkaczyk, The impact of the Digital World on Management and Marketing, Kozminsiki University, Poltext, 17-22.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2016) Social Media, Definition and History, in Reda Alhajj and Jon Rokne (eds.) Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining (2nd edition), Springer.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2015) Social Media, in Daniel Thomas Cook and J. Michael Ryan, Encyclopedia of Consumption and Consumer Studies, Wiley Blackwell
- KAPLAN A.M. (2015) Microblogs, in Peng Hwa Ang and Mansell Robin (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication & Society, Wiley Blackwell, 1-8.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2014) Facebook, Instagram, Sneakerpedia et compagnie : Foot Locker, Inc. sur les Médias Sociaux, in PEELEN E., JALLAT F., STEVENS E., VOLLE P., Gestion de la relation client, Pearson Education (4e éd.).
- KAPLAN A.M. (2014) Social Media, Definition and History, in Reda Alhajj and Jon Rokne (eds.) Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, Springer, 1825-1827.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2012) Burger King – Le marketing viral à tout prix ?, in PRIME N., USUNIER J.-C., Marketing international Marchés, cultures et organisations, Pearson, Paris, 333-336.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2012) Understanding purchasing behavior within virtual worlds: Planned purchases and impulse buying, in LI E.Y., LOH S., EVANS C., LORENZI F. (eds.) Organizations and Social Networking: Utilizing Social Media to Engage Consumers, IGI Global, 79-101.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2011) Dell – Social Media is here, in LEVY M., WEITZ B., Retailing management (8th ed.), Teaching Manual, McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
- KAPLAN A. M., HAENLEIN M., (2011) The Birds are Tweeting – and so am I: An Essay on the Use and Potential of Twitter and Micro-blogging, in CENTENO E., VELOUTSOU C., New Perspective of Contemporary Marketing, Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), 193-202.
- BASCOUL G., KAPLAN A.M. (2010) Communautés et marketing relationnel, in MICHON C. (ed.), Le Marketeur (3e éd.), Pearson Education, 431-450.
- JALLAT F., KAPLAN A.M. (2010) Développer un marketing en ligne, in MICHON C. (ed.), Le Marketeur (3e éd.), Pearson Education, 369-390.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2010) Comment utiliser les Medias Sociaux dans une politique de communication ?, in FROSSARD A.L. et GUCESKI P., Le Tour du Marketing en 12 étapes, Dunod, 237.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2010) From Real to Virtual and Back Again: The Use and Potential of Virtual Social Worlds within the IT Industry, in PAPADOPOULOU P., KANELLIS P., and MARTAKOS D., Social Computing Theory And Practice: Interdisciplinary Approaches, IGI Global, 285-300.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2009) Blogging, Facebook, Twitter: Southwest Airlines et ses relations client via les médias sociaux, in PEELEN E., JALLAT F., STEVENS E., VOLLE P., Gestion de la relation client, Pearson Education (3e éd.), 372-374.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2009) Virtual worlds and business schools: The case of INSEAD, in WANKEL C., KINGSLEY J., Higher education in virtual worlds: Teaching and learning in second life, Emerald Group Publishing, 83-100.
Conference proceedings
- KAPLAN A., HAENLEIN M. (2019), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its Impact on Universities, Corporations and Governments, International Marketing Trends Conference, International Marketing Trends Conference, January 17-19, Venise, Italy.
- PUCCIARELI F., KAPLAN A.M. (2016) Navigating Complex Waters: Strategizing in the Higher Education Sector, in Proceedings of the 15th International Congress Marketing Trends, January 21-23, Venice, Italy.
- HAENLEIN M.; KAPLAN A.M. (2011) The Parting of the Ways: Emotional and Behavioral Reactions in Response to Alternative Customer Divestment Strategies, American Marketing Association, August 5-7, San Francisco, USA.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2010) The abandonment of unprofitable customer relationships: An analysis of emotional reactions, Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research Conference, October 7-10, Jacksonville, Florida.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2010) Les enjeux émotionnels liés à la mise à l’écart des clients non-profitables : compassion ou auto-satisfaction ?, in Actes du 26ème Congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 6-7 mai, Le Mans, France.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2010) The emotional consequences of unprofitable customer abandonment: Feeling sorry for the other or good about yourself?, in Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2010) The impact of unprofitable customer abandonment on current customers’ exit, voice, and loyalty intentions: An empirical analysis, in Proceedings of the Winter Marketing Educators Conference, American Marketing Association, February 19 – 22, New Orleans, USA.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2010) The impact of unprofitbale customer abandonment on current customers’ emotions: Negative other-focused vs. positive ego-focused , in Proceedings of the Summer Marketing Educators Conference, American Marketing Association, August 13-16, Boston, USA.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2010) Investigation of differences in diffusion between positive and negative Word-of-Mouth, in Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research Conference, October 7-10, Jacksonville, Florida.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2010) The birds are tweeting – and so am I: An essay on the use and potential of Twitter and micro-blogging, in Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Conference on Marketing, 5-8 July, Athens, Greece.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2010) The use and potential of Twitter and micro-blogging for marketing strategy: A qualitative case study approach, in Proceedings of the 9th International Congress Marketing Trends, January 21-23, Venice, Italy.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2009) Living online: Consumer behavior in Second Life, in Proceedings of American Marketing Association (AMA Winter), Tampa, Florida.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2009) Failure is the stepping stone to success: Insights into virtual worlds, in Proceedings of the Marketing 2.0 Conference, Paris, France.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2009) Les mondes virtuels et pourquoi quelques entreprises y échouent ?, in Actes de l’Atelier de Recherche Appliquée de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 8 avril, Paris, France.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2009) Beyond online advertising: The influence of virtual flagship stores on real life consumption behavior, in Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, May 26-29, Nantes, France.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2009) Stratégies de marque au sein des mondes virtuels, in Actes du Congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 13-15 mai, Londres, Royaume-Uni.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A. M. (2008) Analyzing the feasibility of compensating the negative consequences of abandoning unprofitable customers, in Proceedings of Summer Marketing Educators Conference, American Marketing Association, August 8-11, San Diego, USA.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2008) Consumer use and business potential of virtual hyperrealities: A qualitative analysis of Second Life, in ‘Marketing Landscapes: A Pause for Thought’, Proceedings of the 37th EMAC Conference, May 27-30, Brighton, UK.
- KAPLAN A.M., HAENLEIN M. (2008) Consumers, companies and virtual social worlds: A qualitative analysis of Second Life, in Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2008, San Francisco, California.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2008) Second life and customer relationship management, in Proceedings of the 7th International Congress Marketing Trends, Università Ca’ Foscari, January 17-19, Venice, Italy.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2007) Rapprochement entre le marketing et l’administration publique. Quel avenir pour ce domaine de recherche ?, in Actes de Colloque de ESCP Europe, Paris, France, Paris, France.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2006) Valuing the real option of abandoning unprofitable customers when calculating customer lifetime value”, in Proceedings of Winter Marketing Educators Conference, American Marketing Association, February 18-20, St. Petersburg, USA.
- PUCCIARELLI F., KAPLAN A. (2021) From narrative to action: are business schools finally walking the talk of responsible management education, in: BUNKANWANICHA P., LÜDEKE-FREUND F., RAZMDOOST K., BEN SLIMANE S. (eds), Better Business: Creating Sustainable Value, ESCP Impact Papers, ESCP Business School, 254-259.
- KAPLAN A. (2020) Covid-19: A (potential) chance for the digitalization of higher education, in: BUNKANWANICHA P., COEURDEROY R., BEN SLIMANE S. (eds), Managing a Post-Covid19 Era, ESCP Impact Papers, ESCP Business School, 307-311.
- PUCCIARELLI F., KAPLAN A. (2020) Force for good: Social media’s bright side restored, in: BUNKANWANICHA P., COEURDEROY R., BEN SLIMANE S. (eds), Managing a Post-Covid19 Era, ESCP Impact Papers, ESCP Business School, 154-159.
- MORAND P., MANCEAU D. (eds), BASCOUL G., BUREAU S., CHEKROUN D., COMBE E., DELVAILLE P., FENDT J., FENOLL-TROUSSEAU M.-P., FRÉRY F., KAPLAN A.M., LAROCHE H., LE MANH A., (2009) Pour une nouvelle vision de l’innovation, Rapport officiel, Ministère de l’Economie, de l’Industrie et de l’Emploi, Paris, pp. 1-106.
- HAENLEIN M., KAPLAN A.M. (2008) Evaluating the negative consequences of abandoning unprofitable customer: Insights from MSI.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2007) Apports et limites du marketing dans l’Administration Publique, Ecole Nationale d’Administration.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2004) Success factors for exporting music content: the example of the German and French music industry, University of Cologne, Cologne.
- LOEBBECKE C., NIEDERMEYER U., KAPLAN A.M., KURUCU G. (2003) Betriebswirtschaftliche Betrachtung öffentlich-rechtlicher TV-Online Aktivitäten, Institut für Rundfunkökonomie an der Universität zu Köln, 183.
Case studies & Pedagogical tools
- KAPLAN A.M. (2022) Fast Fashion Goes Green? AI & the Apparel Industry (H&M, Shein, and Zara), The Case Centre, Case 722-0020-1 & Teaching Note 722-0020-8.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2020) Marrying Cultural Heritage and High Tech: The Use of ARTificial Intelligence in Museums (Beijing’s Palace Museum, NYC’s Met, and Paris’ Louvre), The Case Centre, Case 320-0057-1 / Teaching Note 320-0057-8.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2014) Social Media and Viral Marketing at ESCP Europe, the World’s First Business School (est. 1819), European Case Clearing House, Case 514-058-1 / Teaching note 514-058-8.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2012) Virgin America – Taking Social Media and Viral Marketing to New Heights, European Case Clearing House, Case # 512-004-1 / Teaching note # 512-004-8.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2011) Public marketing in the City of Lights: Paris’s innovative electrical car sharing program ‘Autolib’, European Case Clearing House, Case # 511-011-1 / Teaching note # 511-011-8.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2010) From Hell to Sell: Dell’s Social Media Strategy, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques, M1674 (GB).
- KAPLAN A.M. (2010) From Hell to Sell : la stratégie des Médias Sociaux de Dell, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques, M1674.
Media (Selected)
- KAPLAN A. (2025) Fit Over Fame: Finding The Best B-School For You, Regardless Of Rankings, Poets & Quants, February 26.
- KAPLAN A. (2024) Metaverse in Motion: Myth or Momentum? CMR Insights, September 3, 2024.
- KAPLAN A. (2024) Rethinking How Universities Find Their Next Leader: Strategies to Identify and Develop Your Business School’s Future Dean, Harvard Business Publishing, February 1, 2024.
- KAPLAN A. (2023) Business education’s rising rivalry: a reason for rigorous research with relevance and reach, EFMD Global Focus, 17(2), 40-45.
- KAPLAN A. (2023) Competitive Edge: The Business School Advantage, AACSB Insights, July 12, 2023.
- KAPLAN A. (2023) La rivalidad entre las escuelas de negocios: un motivo para la investigación relevante, EFMD Global Foucs, Edición en castellano, 36-41.
- KAPLAN A. (2023) Ranking and accreditation to improve, not to impress, THE-Times Higher Education, June 8, 2023.
- KAPLAN A. (2023) Relevant & responsible research to counter competition,, April 6, 2023.
- KAPLAN A. (2023) 商业教育的竞争日益激烈:推动具有意义和影响力的严 谨研究, 全球聚焦, 46-51.
- KAPLAN A. (2022) Le « tout-digital », garant d’une plus grande durabilité dans l’industrie de la mode ?, The Conversation, April 11, 2022.
- KAPLAN A. (2021) Branding and Bonding: the key to competing in the digital age, EAIE – European Association for International Education, July 6, 2021.
- KAPLAN A. (2021) Business Schools: Differentiate Yourselves!, AACSB Insights, June 8, 2021.
- KAPLAN A. (2021) Business Schools: Going Digital Simply Must Make Sense!, January 5, 2021.
- KAPLAN A. (2021) Du modèle « études-travail-retraite » aux partenariats d’apprentissage à vie, LinkedIn, November 10, 2021.
- KAPLAN A. (2021) Facebook et son « métavers » : le cauchemar devient-il réalité ?, La Libre Belgique, December 6, 2021.
- KAPLAN A. (2021) Intelligence artificielle : mettre l’accent sur l’éducation, L’ADN Tendances, 2021, 195.
- KAPLAN A. (2021) More than just bricks and mortar, LSE Higher Education Blog, August 12, 2021
- KAPLAN A. (2021) Multi- and Interdisciplinarity Empowered and Entailed by Business Schools’ Digitalisation,, April 29, 2021.
- KAPLAN A. (2021) Prepare for student sustainability demands to go through the roof, THE – Times Higher Education, October 19 2021.
- KAPLAN A. (2021) Professionals Need to Keep Their Skills Fresh. Will They Turn to Higher Ed?, Harvard Business Publishing, September 17, 2021.
- KAPLAN A. (2021) Slowly but surely: business schools boost sustainability, Emerald blog post, February 2 2021.
- KAPLAN A. (2021) The 21st Century University: Societal and Sustainable, Responsible Research in Business & Management, RRBM,, May 7, 2021.
- PUCCIARELLI F, KAPLAN A. (2021) From narrative to action: Are business schools walking the talk of responsible management education?,, June 28, 2021.
- KAPLAN A. (2020/2021) A question of code and ethics, The European, Winter 2020/2021, 56-58.
- KAPLAN, A. (2020) Corona forciert den digitalen Wandel des Bildungswesens – Können EdTech und Big Tech Universitäten ersetzen?, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, June 11, 2020.
- KAPLAN, A. (2020) How Covid-19 rendered the impossible possible, Olbios – Network for Action.
- KAPLAN A. (2020) Sustainability: Students Spur Universities,
- KAPLAN, A. (2020) Universities, Be Aware: Start-Ups Strip Away Your Glory; About EdTech’s potential take-over of the higher education sector;, May 11, 2020.
- KAPLAN, A. (2020) Vom Präsenzstudium zur Online-Lehre in kürzester Zeit: Corona als Chance für Universitäten, das Digitalisierungsdefizit Europas dauerhaft zu vermindern, Deutsch-Französischer Wirtschaftskreis, June 20, 2020.
- HAENLEIN, M.. KAPLAN, A. (2019) Tales, Myths and Fairytales of Artificial Intelligence: Clarification and Decryption, CMR Insights, July 25, 2019.
- KAPLAN, A. (2019) An Ethical Approach to AI is an Absolute Imperative, Olbios – Network for Action.
- KAPLAN, A. (2019) Europe’s digitalisation delay: help via (higher) education, The Conversation, March 6, 2019.
- KAPLAN, A. (2019), Europe’s potential niche: Going digital in a human and sustainable way, metro – Views on issues at the United Nations, February 20 2019 (Issue 23).
- KAPLAN, A. (2019) Emmanuel Macrons europäische Universität – Dieser Weg wird kein leichter sein, Treffpunkt Europa, January 9, 2019.
- KAPLAN, A. (2019), La voie pour l’Europe ? Une digitalisation humaine et durable, metro – Points de vue sur les débats aux Nations Unies, Février 20 2019 (#23).
- KAPLAN, A. (2019), Numérique : peut-on encore combler le retard européen ? La Tribune, February 7, 2019.
- KAPLAN, A. (2019) Réconcilier profs de fac et Britney Spears. Ou l’impact de l’IA sur l’enseignement, The Conversation, October 28th, 2019.
- KAPLAN, A. (2019), Retard numérique de l’Europe face aux États-Unis et la Chine : le salut viendra-t-il de l’enseignement ? The Conversation, February 5, 2019.
- KAPLAN, A. (2018), Debate: Emmanuel Macron’s European university, an IDEA for moving Europe forward, The Conversation, September 27, 2018.
- KAPLAN, A. (2018), Happy birthday to 200 years of management education, The Conversation, August 30, 2018.
- KAPLAN, A. (2018), Une école de commerce est aussi forte que la communauté qu’elle façonne : la preuve par quatre, The Conversation, August 20, 2018.
- KAPLAN, A. (2018), Make Europe sexy again: how an image makeover could improve the fortunes of the EU, If we want to build a cohesive Europe, it pays to make it look fun and exciting. Is it time to sex up the EU?, Prospect Magazine, January 16, 2018.
- KAPLAN, A. (2018) De l’auberge espagnole à l’université européenne : rêve ou réalité ? The Conversation, March 4, 2018.
- KAPLAN, A. (2017), Ecoles de commerce : assurance-qualité et accusations, La Tribune.
- KAPLAN, A. (2017), How can the European Union be more meaningful for its citizens?, The Conversation, October 15, 2017.
- KAPLAN, A. and F. PUCCIARELLI (2016), Contemporary Challenges in Higher Education – Three E’s for Education: Enhance, Embrace, Expand, IAU HORIZONS, International Universities Bureau of the United Nations.
- KAPLAN, A. (2015), Trop de transparence tue la transparence, Harvard Business Review France.
- KAPLAN, A. (2014), Comment les grandes marques peuvent-elles se protéger du bad buzz ?, Harvard Business Review France.
- KAPLAN, A. (2014), Du neuf avec du vieux ? L’impact des MOOC sur les écoles de commerce, Harvard Business Review France.
- KAPLAN, A. (2014), Et si la vie virtuelle était plus belle que la vie réelle ?, Harvard Business Review France.
- KAPLAN, A. (2014), Pourquoi les grandes marques sont-elles plus vulnérables sur les réseaux sociaux ?, Harvard Business Review France.
- KAPLAN, A. (2011), Social media between the real and the virtual: How Facebook, YouTube & Co. can become an extension of the real life of their users – and sometimes even more, PROSPECTIVE STRATEGIQUE.
- KAPLAN, A. (2011), Twitter ou le pouvoir de 140 caractères, L’EXPANSION MANAGEMENT REVIEW.
- BOUDES, T., LAROCHE, H., FRERY, F., MOATTI, V., MUCCHIELLI, J. L., BANCEL, F., SAUSSOIS, J. M., MIKOL, A., KAPLAN, A. and L. LAULUSA (2009), Crise, krach, récession, big bang ?, L’EXPANSION MANAGEMENT REVIEW.
- KAPLAN, A. (2009), Second Life, Leçons pour le monde réel, L’EXPANSION MANAGEMENT REVIEW, Crise, krach, récession, big bang ?.
- KAPLAN A.M. (2010) Aller-Retour du Réel au Virtuel : De la customisation de masse, du marketing relationnel et des mondes virtuels, Habilitation Thesis in Business Administration, Sorbonne Graduate Business School, Université de Paris 1- Panthéon-Sorbonne.
- KAPLAN A.M., (2005) Factors influencing the adoption of mass customization: Determinants, moderating variables and cross-national generalizability, Doctoral Dissertation in Business Administration, University of Cologne, HEC Paris.